पूर्ण वीडियो क्लिप्स

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - National Institute of Technical Teachers Training, Chandigarh National Institute of Technical Teachers Training, Chandigarh [21:48 min] International Peace speaker & Ambassador of Peace Prem Rawat has been invited by National Institute of Technical Teachers Training & Research, Chandigarh to speak to the faculty members and other guests. Few of he excerpts from the event presented here. If you're compared to a bird- don't forget to fly. Flying is a symbol of bird's freedom.
If you're a flower, don't forget to bloom.
You're the most beautiful.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Safarnama 2016 Safarnama 2016 [11:29 min] Prem Rawats' tour of India November 2016 across Gangtok, Lucknow, Bengaluru, Mumbai and a talk at Confluence-IIM Ahmedabad.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Safalta Safalta [20:36 min] Success. Whether you like it or not, you transform. When to cease to acknowledge the value of each moment in your life, then that desire to transform carries no meaning. We sit and plan "We want to retire at this age and do this and that." If you ask the person, "Why do you want to retire?" The answer is "So that I can do what I always wanted to do". So what is it that you've always wanted to do? It's same that you wanted to do when you were three, four, five. But you thought you couldn't do then. Then 16, then 21 and so on.
Once in thirties the figure starts rolling back. If you ask a person 7 years later he still says "I'm in my thirties!" And then once they've almost passed 40s, they say "I'm in my late thirties!" A reluctance to have become older without having done what you've always wanted to do. And then 65- At your retirement you find that you still haven't done what you always wanted to do. Then you come across a 10 year old and see in his eye. He looks very attractive because you see the same passion that you once had. The same thirst and same desire to do what you always wanted to do.
Do what you have always wanted to do. And what is that? That something within you thirsts to be content, to trade curiosity for knowing. Not once does curiosity satisfy the thirst. Whatever you do, it preserves itself as curiosity. Here what I'm referring to, is not thinking; it's feeling. Because that is the first greatest gift and most powerful gift you have. You can feel it.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Mann aur hriday Mann aur hriday [25:05 min] Vastawik Duniya Kiski- Mann ki Ya Hriday ki?
It is important that you spend time with yourself, know your desires, your own personality. In addition, you should know how to manage yourself, your thoughts, behavior and inner conflicts.
Two aspects are there: Your brain and your heart. All your relations, your business, your friends are all related to this (pointing to the brain). How so? If a person gets concussion- He forgets all of this. Where are all your problems? Here (brain). Your problems can never be bigger than your brain!
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Silsala Anubhav Ka Silsala Anubhav Ka [22:56 min] We're hear to talk about how fortunate we are, that we have this life. That we have this existence. I'm going to talk about battles, and war. That's important to know, in my opinion. In this life you will have many battles, but you'll only have one war. Only one war. Why am I talking about battles and war? Few weeks ago, I was talking to someone. While trying to explain, I said, "Look don't worry so much about the battles. Win some, lose some. But be very careful that you don't lose the war"
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Aaj Tak Maana, Ab Jaan Kar Dekho Aaj Tak Maana, Ab Jaan Kar Dekho [31:24 min] So far you have only believed. Put your effort in knowing now.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Har manushya tak ye sandesh jaye Har manushya tak ye sandesh jaye [21:56 min] We live every day. But do we live every day in such a way that we respect what is within, in our heart?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Kaun ho tum Kaun ho tum [24:29 min] Who are you? I brought something. I usually don't. Usually all I have, is a handkerchief in my pocket. But I brought today, the most amazing product. Technologically so advanced- unbelievable. The code for this thing is unbelievable. At one stage I couldn't even have lifted it, much less put it in my pocket. And yet 100% potential that exist within what I hold in my hand is unbelievable. It's better than iPhone, ipad, Mac, PC, supercomputer. And it's real, and yet all it carries in it, is a potential. What is it? A seed.
This seed is a beginning of a tree. Oh by the way, this is a litchi seed. So it carries in it- you wanna see a miracle? There is it. There is a tree inside it. And there is thousands and thousands of litchies inside. And this little thing actually understands seasons. What a code! What software and hardware combination!
iPhone cannot feed the world; this can. This little thing has the capacity to shelter little birds. This little thing has the capacity to give shade to the tired, and feed the hungry and delight! And it's lighter than the iPhone and it fits in my pocket. Will it start? No. When will it start? As soon as it's sown and given some water; it will start!

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