पूर्ण वीडियो क्लिप्स

Someone asked me if I believe in process of evolution. I said God created nature and the nature created us. The creator created the process of evolution. The creator has created you through the medium of evolution. And everything has been created for a reason. People can argue that if eyes were on the leg, then walking would have been easier. But there is a reason to put eyes on the head. You are given two ears so that you don't only hear, but also know the origin of the sound. You have given two eyes so that not only can you see, but also understand the depth of the object. Know the fact, that God himself has created you. He has not done one, but many many favors to you. People say to God to prove if he exists. And he is proving himself through each breath you breath!
Nar tan bhav vaaridh kahoon beru
san mukh maroot anugrah mero
The coming and going of this breath is my blessings on you!san mukh maroot anugrah mero
karun dhaar satguru dridh nawa
durlabh karya sulabh kari paava
durlabh karya sulabh kari paava
People wait for their lottery ticket to become lucky. The day you were born, your lottery ticket just got lucky!

After the completion of their studies, there's another path, just like previous one.
Just keep on doing something.
Keep doing it.
After the retirement, when there's nothing left to do.
Then, they get bored.
Throughout their life, they wished, not to do anything.
After retirement, there's no need to do anything.
Just sit at home.
But how is it possible?
Because every moment, there's a recording being played.
To keep doing something or the other.
Do something at least.
You've to do something.
I'm not joking, try to understand, it's a serious matter.
It's humorous but serious.
It's serious because, we all are human beings.
I'm telling you, as even I'm a human.
I'm a human, you're also a human, so, I say because of humanity, it's not.
This isn't the aim of our life.
Because you're alive.
You can achieve something more.
Do something different.
In your life, you can experience peace.
In your life, you can experience wisdom.
You can make your life a success.

Maharaji:Everyone has heard about God, but no one actually knows him. If they had known God for real, then there would have been no killing in the name of the God. God- The one who exists inside every human being, you know about this in theory, but couldn't never find out for reality.
Is ghat andar baag bageeche!
Isi mein sehjan haara!!
Is ghat andar saat samandar!
Isi mein nau lakh taara!!
Is ghat andar parasmoti!
Isi mein parkhan haara!!
Is ghat andar anhad garze!
Isi mein uthat phuwara!!
Kehat kabir suno bhai saadho!
Isi mein saain hamara!!
Isi mein sehjan haara!!
Is ghat andar saat samandar!
Isi mein nau lakh taara!!
Is ghat andar parasmoti!
Isi mein parkhan haara!!
Is ghat andar anhad garze!
Isi mein uthat phuwara!!
Kehat kabir suno bhai saadho!
Isi mein saain hamara!!
People spend tremendous amount of money to make everyone merciful, so that they don't get angry. But think for a moment, when you are happy from within, don't you automatically become peaceful? When you are happy some day, you automatically become kind. If someone tries to come ahead of you in a cinema theatre line, you can beat him to death. But if you are in good mood, you will even give him the space to come ahead. Why is it so?
Unless there is peace inside, outside its only absurd. People say it is not possible to bring peace. But I know it is possible, because I'm reaching people one by one. Lamp has to be lit one by one. People get caught up in descriptions, and miss out the actual experience.
rahiman baat agam ki!
kaha suni ki naaye!!
dhan-dhan kahe jo dhani bane!
nirdhan rahe na koye!!
Shouting out "money money" doesn't make you any rich. Similarly, shouting "Peace Peace" doesn't bring peace.
kaha suni ki naaye!!
dhan-dhan kahe jo dhani bane!
nirdhan rahe na koye!!

Creator created a miracle. What's the miracle? The dirt that doesn't move on it's own, started moving. Dirt started speaking and even thinking. What's the first thing that the dirt thought with it is thinking power? That it's not dirt!

Manush tan gun gyaan nidhana An old man came to one of my events and said, "I'm illiterate, old, and poor. Can I experience peace too?"
He figured 3 faults in himself! Tell me one person in this world who is born educated!

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