आंशिक वीडियो क्लिप्स

Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Kisaan- The Farmer Kisaan- The Farmer [04:54 min] Something or the else will definitely grow on earth. Plough the field, give water, do not plant the seeds. Something will definitely grow. But the fact is whatever grows on this field, will not be worth eating. What does a farmer do? He knows something or the else will definitely grow. And he knows, that it will be good if whatever grows first, is eatable. He gives water and removes the things which are not worth eating. You too, are a farmer, and your life is the field. And this breath is the plow, moving. And definitely something will grow in this field. Life is moving on, nobody can stop it. Time comes and goes, and it will come and go. No one can stop time. The same way, this breath comes and goes. And the biggest thing is that you are alive. Understand this, in your life.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Ek Boond Ek Boond [07:16 min] What power does a drop of water have? If someone puts a drop of water on your hand and tells you that it has the power to annihilate a mountain! It has the power to sweep away thousands and thousands of people. It has the power to bring electricity to cities and villages. It has the power to feed mankind.
What does this drop want? The drop wants just one thing- it wants to go back and merge with the ocean. The day this drop would merge with the ocean, it would no longer be a drop. You too have to merge with the ocean one day. You are the drop and you want to merge with the ocean.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Get to the Heaven now Get to the Heaven now [03:32 min] People get stuck to beliefs. You've got just once chance in this life. And what do you discuss about life "What I was in last lifetime? What will I be in next lifetime?" People talk of Heaven "If we do good, we will go to heaven." Here is the heaven, and here is the hell too. If you don't find the heaven here then where else will you find it? Kabir says
Raam Bulava Bhejiya
Diya Kabira roye
Jo sukh saadhu sang mein Baikunth na hoye!
When the God called, I started crying because the joy that is in the company of Sant sadhu, is no where.
Bhule mann samajh ke laad ladaniya
Thoda laad, bahaut mat laade
nahi to toot jaye teri gardaniya
Bhookha ho to bhojan kar le
aage haat na baniya
Do whatever you want to do, now. If you want to get to heaven, get it now. It's not afterwards in your journey of life. What do you need to reach there? Knowledge. A knowledge which takes you within to the immortal that is within you, so that you can experience that immortal in your life too.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur [08:40 min] Look at each other. They're sitting beside you coz they took birth. Had they been visible without taking birth, case would've been different. It'ld be hallucination! How many day are you going to live around? Even if you live for 100 year, how many days does it amount to? It's only 36,500 days. Youth usually give the answer 365,000 days! It's not many. What do you want to do in your limited life?
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Yeh Avsar- This Opportunity Yeh Avsar- This Opportunity [05:05 min] You too are a farmer and this time that you have been given is your farm and I ask you, O' farmer, what have you sown in this farm? When will your crop be ready? When will you take your harvest home and when will you fulfill your real hunger? Real hunger with which a human can find peace.
You need peace, as much as you need to eat, just as you need to sleep. As you need water, you need peace just as much. Without peace you can remain alive, but you cant live in tranquility.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Ravindra Sarovar Stadium, Kolkata Ravindra Sarovar Stadium, Kolkata [07:35 min] A learned came to the master once. "I want to talk to you and get some clarifications." Master invited him over tea, and started to fill his cup of tea. As master continued to pour tea, it started to overflow. The erudite lost his patience, and questioned his master, "Can't you see the cup is already full. What you're filling is just getting wasted."

Master said, "It's the same with you."
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Events around the globe in first half of 2009 Events around the globe in first half of 2009 [06:28 min] Following is a list of some of Maharaji's events which happened in the first half of 2009.
  • 23rd January, Miami, America
  • 3rd February, Agregento, Argentina
  • 5th February, Mazra, Italy
  • 5th February, Sicily, Italy
  • 11th,12th February, Tel Aviv, Isreael
  • 15th February, Barcelona, Spain
  • 8th March, New Delhi, India
  • 15th March, Hardoi, India
  • 17th March, Mirzapur, India
  • 22nd March, Navada, India
  • 25th March, Ranchi, India
  • 29th March, Gazipur, India
  • 4th April, Jaipur, India
  • 7th,8th April, Kathmandu, Nepal
  • 10th April, Dhanding, Nepal
  • 19th April, Pineg, Malaysia
  • 19th, 20th April, Kapala Batas, Malaysia
  • 3rd May, Melbourne, Australia
  • 5th May, Sydney, Australia
  • 9th May, Auckland, Newzealand
  • 19th May, Tokyo, Japan
  • 23rd May, Tainan, Taiwan
  • 27th May, Hong Kong, China
  • 28th May, Osaka, Japan
  • 3rd July, Potenza, Italy
  • 5th July, Rome, Italy
  • 7th July, Vienna, Australia
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - The story of Two Monks The story of Two Monks [06:12 min] Two monks were one day traveling. They saw a woman drowning. They were both akin to mahatmas- head shaven, in saffron clothes. One said that we have to save the drowning woman. The other said no, you are not to even touch the woman.
The first jumped in the water, carried the woman on his shoulders and placed her out on the side. The other said, "Oh my god! You touched the woman, your religion is ruined, you are going to hell. We are going to the Master - I''m going to tell him all that you have done."
Traveling and traveling, after six hours they reached the ashram.

Upon reaching the ashram, they paid respects to the Master and the other instantly started telling the Master about the incidence, that the first touched a woman "she was drowning, he should have let her drown, wasn’t a big deal - what kind of a mahatma is he?" The Master smiled and asked the first, "Did you truly jump in the water?" The first replied, "Yes I did." The master asked, "How long did it take you to bring the woman out of the water onto the land?" The first replied, "It would have taken two minutes." The Master asked, "And how long did it take you to get here from the place of incidence?" The first replied, "It took six hours."

The Master turned to the other and said, "He had only touched the woman for two minutes. You, however, are carrying her in your heart for six hours! So who is the sinner? Him, who you allege, or yourself? He had let go in two minutes but you didn’t for six hours and still are not willing to let go!"
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Boond aur Samudra- The Ocean and the Drop Boond aur Samudra- The Ocean and the Drop [01:19 min]
Boond samayi samudra mein, ye jaane sab koye,
Samudra samaya boond mein, boojhe birla koye

Only a few can understand this, that you are that drop and within you resides the ocean of all oceans. Did you understand that? And if you have understood, then serach and fulfill your existence. This is why you have come here.
Prem Rawat - Maharaji - Sansar- The Universe Sansar- The Universe [04:34 min] All the joy and and sorrow there are in this universe. Beyond all these joys and sorrows there is another universe in which there is a different kind of joy and sorrow. That universe in unique and that universe is within you. Now people will question and reason that joy and sorrow is in that universe also? Shouldn't that universe only have joy and have no sorrow? But no, in that universe also there is one sorrow and there is one joy. What is that sorrow? Not attaining that joy, in that universe, that universe of the heart, is the greatest sorrow. Not having attained that peace that is present within you. To the heart there is no greater sorrow than that. For it, the heart cries. That know it, agree with it. The heart has nothing to do with the issues and things on the outside. The heart has only one agenda. It needs peace. And this peace is not mere words.

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