आंशिक वीडियो क्लिप्स

Maal mulakh ki kaun chalawe
Jab nahi chale shareer
People take so much pride in their country, in their flag. But if this body doesn't work then what good is all other things?
Jab nahi chale shareer
This is the drop because of which your ocean exists. All the rivers of your life exist. When the master comes and tells you about this drop, you doubt him! "Can this drop form a river?" Forget the river, this drop is the reason for the ocean to exist.
Mukta fale ki kim pakchi nancha
(No use of putting pearl in front of the bird)
Misthan paanam kim gardha vanam
(No use of putting dessert in front of donkey)
andhe swadeepo, vridhe sudhana
(No use of putting lamp in front of blind, and playing music to deaf)
murkha sastra katha prasanga
(Same is plight of explaining to an idiot)
You ask people where are they going. "Oh we're going for katha (traditional story-telling). Ramayan katha". So who will listen to your story? Have you ever been to your own katha. What is written in Ramayana?
(No use of putting pearl in front of the bird)
Misthan paanam kim gardha vanam
(No use of putting dessert in front of donkey)
andhe swadeepo, vridhe sudhana
(No use of putting lamp in front of blind, and playing music to deaf)
murkha sastra katha prasanga
(Same is plight of explaining to an idiot)
Bade bhagya maanush tan paava
sur-durlabh sat granthan gaava
saadhan dham moksh ka dwara
payein na jahin parlok sawara
A true master will tell your story to you. People go to famous astrologers. But what has all saints said, that nobody is willing to listen to. This is just one sided command- Just fulfill my dream, that's all. I don't want listen to what you say "Don't get entangled in the web of this world.". We don't want to listen to all this, just fulfill what I'm asking for!
sur-durlabh sat granthan gaava
saadhan dham moksh ka dwara
payein na jahin parlok sawara
It is very important for you that you stay happy, in joy! That's why we named God as "Sat chit anand". Sat (Truth)- It's is within you. Chit (consciousness)- is within you as well. Anand (Bliss)- Where the creator is present, how can bliss not be there!

Khan was perhaps single handedly responsible for making the shehnai a famous classical instrument. He brought the shehnai to the center stage of Indian music with his concert in the Calcutta All India Music Conference in 1937. He was credited with having almost monopoly over the instrument as he and the shehnai are almost synomyms.
If you dont like classical music, do give it a chance. Your opinion would change. Its beyond the boundary of country & lauguage

And everyone has been explained that if you go on pilgrimages, do charity, austerity, then after you die, you will go to heaven. So I started thinking that whatever that creator has created, is it pure or not?
The creator doesn't have hands like you and I do, but he also has hands and he has created this entire universe. So, that supreme-being, who himself has created the entire universe- even this earth, on which you are alive now, who created this? Was there a middle-man who created this?
Did someone come from somewhere else, to create this earth? My point is, that this earth too is created by that same supreme-being. So if he has created this, then isn't this heaven? Meaning, wherever his hands would touch. How are pilgrimages formed? Wherever his feet touch, wherever his hands touch, will become sacred. Forget the hands, feet legs, nose, ears- He has created this (earth). So many times he would have touched this, with the hands that he has. And you don't consider this heaven. What beliefs have you got? But people don't consider this heaven, they don't consider this existence to be heaven. All they think is that I'm here and I need to do good deeds, and if I do good deeds, then after I die, I will find heaven.
What is good deed? Ask Muslim, he'll say something else. Ask a Hindu, he'll say something different. Right? Ask a Christian, he'll say something different. They will endorse their books, their scriptures- "This is what is written, this is what is written".
But what is it that you have experienced in your life? Most important thing! What is your experience? Even with all these things, why does the human ask this one question: Why have I come here? Everyone asks. I say that there are two kinds of people- those who have asked, and those who haven't- and those who haven't, will. When they get a beating on their heads, then they will ask. And those who have asked, have searched. So even after reading numerous religious scriptures that there are, why does a human still ask, why did I come here?

But just a point, the planning that you have structured 'This is our youthful days of fun, and when we get really old, then we will think about God. Those days will be spent on prayers.' Just a question- On which blue-print did you do your planning? You did planning, thats fine. But what's the model for this plan? Because the one 'above' doesn't care about anything. The life just comes to end for anyone anytime- young, old, rich, uneducated, educated.. anyone! Where did you get such statistics? Who did the engineering for this blueprint?
Three things happen in your life, which I don't even need to say this: Birth- which has already happened, Living- which is going on, and the third thing you know very well. Do you really know the third thing (death) or have only heard about it? Do you understand the value of this breath? When you were in your mother's womb, your parents would talk about your future. But in that one little moment when you came out of mother's womb, every one focussed on only one thing- are you breathing or not. And once that was fine, then everything else starts. Then people discuss if you are a boy or a girl. And the irony is, in the last moment again things come down to breath - if you are taking it or stopped.

Karat karat Abhyaas ke
Jadmati hoat sujan
Rassi Awat jaat se
sil par padat nisaan
Are you also practicing everyday to make your life a success?
Jadmati hoat sujan
Rassi Awat jaat se
sil par padat nisaan
Is ghat andar paras-moti
Isi mein parkhan haara
Whether the God is truly within you? the one to recognize so, is also within you
Isi mein parkhan haara

Where are hopes rested on? Tomorrow!
What do you worry about? Tomorrow.
What will finally come? Today.
You will live your whole life as today.

laanat aisi jind
Tulsi ya sansar ko
bhayo motiya bind You don't recognize the one that's in your heart.
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